James Hoxworth PJ Dip
Customer Consultant
I applied at Beaverbrooks back in 2011 because I had seen how highly it ranked in the Sunday Times Top 100 Companies to Work For, so I thought this would be the perfect environment for me to develop a management career.
I was taken on in Manchester in May and straight away I knew the company was different to anywhere else.
The induction training I received fed my desire to learn and kept me positively engaged. I got every bit of support I needed as my background in retail was from the other end of the spectrum.
In my second year I have already been rewarded for my hard work with a promotion and I have attained a place on the company's management development program. It’s fair to say I am still enjoying life beyond expectancy in my new job role!
My day to day activities are well balanced; I enjoy developing relationships with every customer that walks through our door, helping them to find the right product they need for their special occasion. Replenishing stock for the windows to cleaning the very items we sell, working in a Beaverbrooks store keeps you entertained from start to finish!
If you want a career that is both rewarding and challenging with an atmosphere that is unmatchable on the high street, Beaverbrooks is the place to succeed!